HTS221 온도 습도 센서 -I2C

(Adafruit HTS221 - Temperature & Humidity Sensor Breakout Board 

- STEMMA QT / Qwiic)


  • 본 제품은 HTS221 온도 습도 센서 -I2C 입니다.
  • 0%-100% rH (with a sensitivity of 0.004% and 3.5% accuracy between 20-80%) 습도와 -40 to 120 (with a resolution of 0.016°C with ±0.5 °C accuracy between 15 and +40 °C)온도를 측정할 수 있는 센서입니다.
  • I2C 인터페이스나 3선 SPI 인터페이스를 선택하여 사용할 수 있습니다.
  • 3.3V/5V 시스템과 사용이 가능합니다.


  • Capacitive digital sensor for relative humidity and temperature
  • 0to 100% relative humidity range
  • 3 - 5 VDC power and logic
  • Selectable ODR from 1 Hz to 12.5 Hz
  • High rH sensitivity: 0.004% rH/LSB
  • Humidity accuracy: ± 3.5% rH, 20 to +80% rH
  • Temperature accuracy: ± 0.5°C,15 to +40 °C
  • Embedded 16-bit ADC with16-bit humidity and temperature output data
  • SPI and I²C interfaces, I2C address 0x5F
  • ST Factory calibrated
  • This is where the HTS221 Temperature and Humidity Sensor by ST comes in. With an HTS221, you can take measurements of the relative humidity which will tell you if the environment you're measuring is bone dry or sopping wet. The HTS221 can measure relative humidity from 0%-100% rH with a sensitivity of 0.004% and 3.5% accuracy between 20-80%. It can also measure temperature from -40 to 120 degrees C, with a resolution of 0.016°C with ±0.5 °C accuracy between 15 and +40 °C.

    The HTS221 is an inexpensive humidity sensor which makes it great for every day measurement applications. Want to measure the humidity of your bathroom? Sure! How about your mushroom farm? Perfect!

    The HTS221 lets you choose between a 3-wire SPI or the ever-popular I2C which only needs two wires for data. If you're an I2C fan (who isn't?), we've included our handy dandy SparkFun Qwiic compatible STEMMA QT connectors for the I2C bus so you don't even need to solder!

    Since the HTS221 is a super small 2mm square, we've put it on a breakout board with level shifting and a power regulator, so it's easy to use on a breadboard with either a 5V logic level device like a Metro 328 or Arduino Uno, or with 3.3V logic level devices like a Feather M4 or Raspberry Pi of your choice.

