AM2320 디지털 온습도 센서 -I2C

(AM2320 Digital Temperature and Humidity Sensor)


  • 본 제품은 AM2320 온습도 센서입니다.
  • DHT11/DHT22 온습도 센서와 비슷한 외관을 가졌지만, 이 센서들과 다르게 I2C 인터페이스를 가지고 있습니다.
  • I2C 인터페이스를 가진 저렴한 센서로 정교한 온도 측정보다는 대략적인 온도 측정 어플리케이션에 추천합니다.


  • Standard I2C and 1-Wire bus output (note we have not tried 1-Wire)
  • Signal transmission distance up to 20 meters
  • I2C interface (address 0x5c)
  • 3.3V / 5V tolerant
  • 0.1 C / % RH (relative humidity) resolution (+/- 0.5 C, 3% RH)
  • The datasheet mentions it has 3% humidity accuracy and 0.5C temperature accuracy, but we're not very trusting of the specifications. So, while this sensor does seem to work, it's not recommended for anything where you care deeply about guaranteed accuracy. Temperature is probably correct to 2-3 degrees Celsius. Humidity is probably within 5-10%.

